New Conclusions in Han Rivergate - Once You See It You Can't Unsee It

With or without help from authorities, Son Jung Min’s father is going forward with his scientifically-based investigation into the disappearance of his son in the early morning hours of April 25, 2021 in the Han River right in the middle of Seoul, South Korea.

First, he is putting on trial Mr. A’s stuff (evidence). Second, he is calling out missing witnesses. And that leads us to conclusions of what really happened between 2 to 3 am. You know how Mr. A's team was trying to lead us to believe Son Jung Min magically woke up and walked straight into the river? Well, SJM’s dad is letting the evidence lead us to see Mr. A’s "inconsistencies" or what other people would call "lies".

It leads us straight to what Mr. A is trying to lie about. And, once you see it, you can't unsee it.


Sign the International Petition to Support a New Investigation into Han River Gate


Well What Had Happened